SAR Technology: 'Incident Commander Pro'
- Planning Data Menu -

POD Tables

POD Tables

An expanded set of sweep-width based, illustrated POD tables permit the user to select the terrain and sweep type closest to the actual mission requirements.

 The optimized POD datasets can be loaded directly into the Gridsearch Calculator for rapid time and manpower calculations.

Tabulated sweep width and POD values for different terrain types, as well as a POD vs Coverage graph, are provided for detailed planning.

Subject Behavior Profiles  

Behavior Profiles

An expanded database of Subject Behavior Profiles provides guidance relating to the potential movement and location of the subject. 

Descriptive profiles and graphical subject movement diagrams help focus the  mission response.

Travel Speed

The Travel Speed table provides an extensive list of travel speeds for different travel types and terrain conditions.

This Travel Speed data can be directly loaded into the Subject Behavior Profiles to determine distance travelled - and into the Gridsearch Calculator to determine time and manpower requirements.


Mission Types

Mission Types

The Mission Types table contains a list of prepared search, rescue and emergency response mission pre-plans.

These pre-plans may be used for reference purposes or for immediate mission response.

The Mission Types list and contents may be edited. New mission types may be added by the user, to meet their specific requirements.

Additional Program Features...
mapimage.jpg (1630 bytes)- Selectable Background - including maps, images & organization logo
Full Context-Sensitive Help & Quick-Tips Help.
Network Capable - for Multiple Users!
For more information please email: SAR Technology Inc.
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