The extremely small size of vehicles present in satellite images presents significant technical challenges for reliable detection. These difficulties have been overcome and vehicles can now be detected as...:
Vehicles Detections from Satellite Images
Vehicles On-Roads Vehicles Off-Roads
- Vehicles On Roads - In Urban, City, Freeways and Parking-Lots,
including local, major and freeway roads.
- Vehicles Off Roads - In open, desert, semi-arid, scrubland and snowfield terrain,
including farms, fields, dirt-roads and logging-roads.
SAR Technology Inc.
Phone: (604) 921-2488
Fax: (604) 921-2484
For more information please contact:
'Searchlight Image Locator' now provides the ability to rapidly detect vehicles present in images taken by satellites.
Vehicle Detection from Satellite Images
- for Search, Rescue and Emergency Response.
These unique detection capabilities can be combined with tasking-satellites, to rapidly take on-demand high-resolution images of the areas of interest.
This quick-response capability can be used to rapidly search very large areas for missing vehicles used by hunters, explorers, travelers, field-workers etc. - in urban, rural, undeveloped and remote wilderness regions.