SAR Technology: 'Search Manager' Incident Command Software
'Mission-Critical' Purchase Plan

SAR Technology Inc.
has received a number of urgent requests from responding organizations seeking a rapid means of purchasing 'Search Manager' while they are conducting an active mission.

Many SAR teams and Responsible Agencies, while managing a difficult or expanding mission - have access to emergency-operations funds to immediately respond to the incident. For this critical time SAR Technology has developed the
'Mission-Critical' Purchase Plan - permitting the 'Search Manager' software to be rapidly purchased and activated, to assist with the ongoing mission.

'Mission-Critical' Purchase Plan consists of the following four steps:

Step 1. Download and install the Evaluation version of 'Search Manager' from the SAR Technology website. This step may be performed at any time prior to a mission.

registration_short.gif (7389 bytes)Step 2. Complete 'Search Manager's quick Registration routine and, when required, email the registration request file to SAR Technology Inc..

Step 3. Fax a 'Mission-Critical' Purchase Order from the recognized government Responsible Agency - such as a Sheriff's Office, Municipality, National Park Service etc, to SAR Technology Inc.. This Purchase Order must be signed by the agency, include the Mission Number and the name of the organization to which the software is to be registered.

Note: The 'Search Manager' software may be registered in the name of any organization - including a designated volunteer SAR Team, Police Agency, Fire-Rescue team, etc.

Step 4. Upon receipt of this faxed government Responsible Agency Purchase Order the 'Search Manager' software will be quickly activated by a prompt responding email from SAR Technology Inc..

We hope that by developing this innovative
'Mission-Critical' Purchase Plan we may help your organization to quickly activate 'Search Manager' and rapidly respond to any ongoing emergency-response incident!

Please Note: SAR Technology Inc. reserves the right to use its sole discretion whether to approve a Purchase Order.

SAR Technology Inc.
4315 Keith Road, West Vancouver
B.C., Canada V7W 2L9
Phone: (604) 590-7419 / (604) 921-2488    Fax (604) 921-2484

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